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The link to statistics, or you open jobs, and there two-thirds do not rise above 30k.

Well, why, he may not lie. At one time, in 2012, when someone at the top raised the question that little university teachers are paid, the universities that they have a higher-average ZP. In our - 20,000 (while the ZP in the main mass - docents with degrees, vaccines and not, was 14,000 and 17,000 with a small - by the way, and now the same, and all the assistants in the area of 7,000).

The trick was in the details. The first was not calculated according to the ZP (which is what the famous lowest taxes of 13% are paid on, and the wage fund - from there, all kinds of interest funds are paid first under 40, and then the remains go in the form of the ZP, with which the NDFL is paid). And the second, as it became known later - our rector in the year of the ZP had for 5 million, and the pro-rectors, who were about 10 - in the area of 3, and the heads of departments of all kinds, who were under 20 pieces - for 1 million. This is the average ZP for 20,000.

Approximately the same goes for 50.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna