— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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As a woman in the emphasis I do not understand the problem of the "I husband / lover / match ends quickly". This is all from the lack of sexual culture in Russians and the habit of transferring responsibility for their own (!) Orgasm to the partner.
be pleased! That he gets up on you and you excite him so much that he quickly ends up. This is not a problem at all! The problem is when it doesn’t stand or doesn’t get up, in general or on you in particular, that’s what’s really sad.

Now about what to do: If you don’t even consider all sorts of prolonging lubricants, condoms, poses, special exercises for men or supplements. Even if you don’t use all this accumulated experience, there’s a 100% way. Why do most women forget that a man is capable of more than one act a day? Once he has been shot, we do not let him go, but we intercept the initiative and with the help of our hands and lips we a stable response. Believe it the second (or even the third) time in a row – it just won’t physically be able to finish quickly. The Profit.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna