— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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YYU: The second Fallout is good because, in principle, it can be passed without committing a single murder (clearly). The truth sometimes has to be distorted. For example, when in New Rhinos one of the bosses of the mafia accidentally drowned, his bullies began to run after me throughout the city, and in order not to kill them myself, I had to run away, covering up with prostitutes. And when one of the bandits shot the prostitute, a real massacre began. Against the bandits revolted all the snoopers and prostitutes, armed mostly with knives and drugs, which, in general, made them more effective fighters than the bandits, absolutely not knowing how to use their laser pistols. I only had to stand by and watch. In what other game is this possible?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna