— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My husband worked until late yesterday, I didn’t wait, I fell asleep. At night I wake up from my arms: my husband is back, love-carrot and all that... :oops:
And then he kisses me, and he smells like a doctor’s cabbage. I ate at 6 p.m. and I want to eat terribly! and Crazy:
I asked him, “Have you eaten a cooked sausage?”He said, “No, it smells like coffee with the "Stolic" bread". I: "No-e-et, it smells like a cabbage!!!" It’s not about sex, I saw her right away, this sausage! :nyam : :nyam :nyam :nyam :nyam :nyam :nyam :
This is how weight loss interferes with personal life!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna