— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Discussion of Diploma Works
xxx: He came first, tapped 15 sheets of drawings, instead of 5-7 minutes dedicated to telling for half an hour, half composing on the move and not letting the members of the commission put the word.
Then he joyfully asked if there were any questions, and on some simple question told another 10 minutes of any hernia. Then he asked him no less joyfully if there were any more questions, and he watched the dean climb under the table of the Deputy Governor of Construction and whisper at him, "just don't think of asking him anything else, otherwise we will not leave here until evening."
And the commission did not even pay attention to the fact that on every 7 pages of the note, long gaps in the phrases were built into the word "HUY".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna