— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Darkness:
Industrial fruits and vegetables are filled with growth accelerators and antibiotics. Growth accelerators do not allow the plant to accumulate vitamins and produce everything that should normally be present in the fruit. Antibiotics cause a mutation of viruses, which is why the child may not be cured with the usual prescribed pills.
In addition, the child’s body should be accustomed to coping with it on its own. This is called immunity.

And what, in the stores are not the same fruits and vegetables, filled with growth accelerators and antibiotics? What’s the difference, who smashed them in the purr – I or the workers at the factory?
You already have pesticides instead of your brain.

You, gentlemen, do not argue whether the earth is square or triangular. Your dispute sounds like that. The first speaker on the course, firstly, perplexed vegetables with meat, secondly, demonstrated sleepy ignorance. The virus is on antibiotics, you know? Growth accelerators and vitamins - in general space. This is called fertilizers, fertilizers contain a bunch of microelements, without them, vitamins cannot be synthesized. No one is spraying vegetables with antibiotics.
And then we ask why we live so badly. And even we live that it is easier for most to believe in such a heresy than it is normal to study in school.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna