— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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She is:
Imagine how beautiful life would be if it were going in the opposite direction. At the very beginning, a few well-dressed people bring you into the box and you immediately find yourself at the party. You live peacefully as an old man in a house, you get a pension, and you become younger. After working forty years, you learn the charms of life, drink more and more alcohol, go to parties more and more, fuck more and more, and then go to the institute. Then you go to school, you are made less and less demanding, you have more and more time to play, you become less and less until you get into.... where you swim in the warmth for 9 months, listening to the calming rhythm of a beating heart, Until one day - BAC, and your life ends with an orgasm!

He is:
5 of 5 points)

She is:
I want my life to end with an orgasm.

He is:
Sorry, I am not a murderer.

She is:
and ROFL

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna