— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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How can you get rid of the decision in 4, 5-7 hours and throw it out of your head?? to
How? They will sit firmly in your head, and so that you do not do with your hands, feet and even your head, you will constantly pop up thoughts about an unsolved task, doubts about the correctness of the solved, brilliant thoughts, about what could be done differently, and if a little re-formulate the task.
...And if you stood up from the table, shaken your minds, and went, then it is so, it is your job, not intense mental work.
You have Nihua problems with switching attention. People like you are completely unable to work in multitasking mode, pull home problems at work, and work problems with home and family, and also find themselves completely insolvent as a senior leader. And also earn an ulcer by 30, catch the first heart attack at 40, and not always live to retirement. In short, work on yourself. Work is needed for life, not life for work.
It is...

From such as him, enthusiastic about his work and creative thinking, there are then unique specialists, whom employers seek to lure to work for any money.
And in general, not everyone dreams of becoming a boss - a minimum of free flight of creative thought, constantly pressing the burden of responsibility and economic and economic tensions. About ulcers and heart attacks with strokes is still more about bosses.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna