— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Talk to an agent.
trying to divorce me for friendly sex, such as where there was not, that there was not, and there was no sex yet;
I rush and say that he has a bunch of girls, with whom he periodically intersect and does not hide, and I need an intimate relationship with one and that I have him alone.
He writes a fairy tale about Confucius, a aunt, tea cups and cups, the philosopher is dumb, found an argument, ah.

I write to him that then he is obviously not about me at all, because I make the tea not in the tea bar, but immediately in the cup, and I plunge the boil there from the thermos, and in the thermos I pour the boil in the morning, boiling it in the pot on the plate.

I wrote "no you and the perverted" and didn’t have sex anymore

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna