— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The history of show business in the Russian Federation. Pugachev’s "mafia" and others Then you decide whether they are guilty of the current situation or not.

The facts of the violent eviction of citizens to concerts and the sale of tickets to them under the dools of automates did not ignore (

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Googled badly. In fact, even if the concerts will not be paid to them, but to the visitors, their lives will not change very much, because of the fact. The main money they receive from state grants, subsidies and funds. Thus e. Even if you don’t listen to Cobson, you still pay him for what he sings. Plus, nobody will slip past them on the mass stage, they have long acted almost as a monopoly in their field of activity, so from some point of view, yes, the people are forced to listen to them and pay for it. Just not directly. We have a lot of things to do, not just on the stage.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna