— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On the subject, the grandmother must cook, clean, etc. It was so accepted.
I am a man.
When I hear from someone:
1st I didn’t eat them because my grandmother didn’t prepare anything.
2nd I live in dirt because my grandmother didn’t clean.
Three I have an empty refrigerator because my grandmother didn’t go to the store.
In the place of this man, I immediately see a 5-year-old girl in a circular dress calling her mom.
It’s just infantile cattle that my mother served all her childhood, and now she wants her wife to serve him. What is it to fuck a man who can’t cook to eat normally? What is this man who has a mess at home, and who is hiding and justified by the grandmother? What fucking thing is it for a man who falls apart from bringing two bags out of the store? What a fuck for a man to whom it is offensive! Washing the dishes? Fuck you think! He is insulted that he will wash his dishes!Surely, he is also insulted by cockroaches, lighthouse pillars, children from kindergartens. I’m just hz, as a healthy man, can insult the washing of dishes! This is my mother’s son, maybe. A man is made responsible and courageous, not whether he is washing dishes or not. And a normal man will never fool the blame and cover up by the grandmother.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna