— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Sunday. I enjoy solitude. The home phone rings.
I am listening to you.
Women's voice - Water quality check is carried out, bla bla bla (divided with filters). I put a phone. A call in a second.
It’s tactical, especially from a man. (They are chatty?)
I am idyllic!
She went to the fuck! I put a phone. A call in a second.
The penalty is 7,000!!! (That’s what happiness was?) I put a phone. A call in a second.
Another woman’s voice – Have you just been called for water quality? (That is to shout!!)
I-Your number has been determined, the conversation is recorded, tomorrow follows a statement to the police.
I put on the phone, I sit down, trying to understand what it was...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna