— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The story of a kidney surprise and a Siberian girl.
In 1996 I bought an old Panasonic matrix printer. The catridge was no longer sold to him, but the tape was sold, and in the catridge there was a ink, where you could pour stamped ink. It got great.
But one day I bought black stamping ink from the German firm Stanger, poured it into the ink and... the ink turned out to be purple. Angry, I remembered the school German (Google wasn’t there yet) and sent a angry letter to Germany.
But I got the answer from the store where I bought ink. It turned out that the ink is being stacked here, at us. And the company decided to make a profit by diluting the paint. I was told how stupid I am, that printers don’t use stamping ink, etc.
But the Germans still broke the supply contract with them, and the company collapsed.
This is what makes us different from the Germans.
The Germans respect the buyer and fight for the honour of the brand, and we all consider them to be fools.
Now you understand why “Lada” is not suitable anywhere?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna