— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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1st of April
Not suitable! Any illness of the victim (and possible allergy to a component of the product) can turn into hemorrhoids for the joke.

YYU: A brilliant idea was born, it is a pity that it will have to wait until next year (until April 1). The bottom line: take a bag of mayonnaise (such as one with a lid), empty it and fill it with a condensate. And at the hour of "J" (at lunch, it is bish) to walk and press it out to employees in cups of coffee / tea, filled with evil laughter.
When something unauthorized comes into my food, the food immediately goes out, and the joke depends on my attitude to him. His attitude will be revised.

Therefore, it is necessary to pour "mayonnaise" in coffee yourself) Harmless and pleasant. And the reaction of others is invaluable.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna