— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Lermonts is about something else. His seriousness oppresses.
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Lermontov had a rare invasive character, and if it were not for Martynov (who he called Martyškko by ladies and oppressed in various ways), then who else would have shot him.
But there is an excuse and an explanation.
According to legend, Thomas Lermont, the legendary Scottish bard and Lermontov's ancestor, visited the elves, after returning principally could not lie. The poet was interesting before. All Lermontov's conflicts are the expression of his real opinion where a compliment would be appropriate. He probably couldn’t lie either. A misanthropic life.
At the moment of Lermontov's death, a thunderstorm of such strength began that the body could not take an hour. At the same time, the duel place at least on the mountain, but not Elbrus ever.
The centenary of the poet’s birth was celebrated. But a few months before that, the First World War began, and it was not possible to mark.
The Soviet power Lermontov loved - the critic of tsarism. And a hundred years from the day of his death would be marked necessarily, but also a disappointment - July 1941 did not contribute. But they prepared the evening in the Kremlin for the 150th anniversary of birth. That was cancelled due to the coup with the resignation of Khrushchev the day before. And about 150 years since the day of his death, between the election of Yeltsin and the GKCHP, are generally forgotten.
200 years in October 2014. Whether it was exhausted or what...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna