— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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No, it is just those who are surprised by such a situation that are hot. My best school friend has been cooking for the whole family since the age of 5 (yes, so on the plate at the plate and stood) - my mother gave birth to a brother, my dad worked, and the man should be fed, her grandmother and taught. I started cooking later (when I studied in 1st grade), and the tea was not trusted to me - it was made only by my dad, but I went to the bath alone from 4 years old, and at 8 and I could melt it... Now here is my nephew 8, and his mother washes in the bathroom. They went crazy.

A typical "survivor mistake" From the series - I never wear seat belts, smoke, swallow and healthy! So it is safe!
You have never been in childhood traumatology, obviously. There such independent children of brave parents rooms are full.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna