— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Statistics are such statistics, even official, and here... Here are the people who believe in statistics. And the average salary in Russia is 40,000, and we live on average 71 years.
Every Russian should have a salary above average and my administration will be able to solve this problem.The statistician confidently tried to cross a river, the depth of which was on average 1 meter. But he drowned.Statistics is like a bikini. What she shows is very attractive, but much more interesting is what she hides.If you lack arguments in a dispute, refer to the statistics. And 94 people out of 100 will believe you.

The tool is very multifaceted. If you want and can, it will be both a scalpel and a tail, if you allow such an analogy. However, you also have to be able to deal with others. And the fact that the majority can’t, or deliberately undermines data, is not the problem of statistics, but of those people.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna