— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I put my teeth. The front three teeth have been removed for a long time. Instead there are temporary plastic teeth, such as smiles. Over time, this piece of plastic began to hold poorly and had to be glued with a special glue. The diction suffers a bit from this: a slightly slow and specific speech. Yes, when you remove the temporary teeth from the gums, two metal buds are pulled - these are the sticks closed. The spectacle is another. The own history. Gaia stops me. As usual, he does not explain anything and requires documents. I submit documents and ask about the reason for the stop. And he said to me, "What are you saying? You drank yesterday?"And I’m striking my teeth and speaking with the voice of a KVN maniac and showing my empty mouth with metal puppies:"And that’s because my teeth are glued!"This face should have been seen! I might have been scared myself... Gaez almost jumped away from me, pulled out the papers and said, say, go.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna