— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In our case, the accounting department also considered itself the most important department until the order came to optimize the state.
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Give me a guess - half were fired, the remaining were hijacked with all the work for the same money, they were fired themselves, and your firm gave outsourcing accounting? And now it is done by the same people as before, but working in a specialized accounting firm, and much more expensive?
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No, it is too smart. Go on the Russian path. Half of them were fired, the rest were paid all the work for the same money, they were fired themselves. For a penny they recruited yesterday’s students, who ruined everything to the whores. Half of them were released and a new one was collected. Since then there no one knows anything about what and where it grows, in a bunch with a crazy flow of personnel. The incoming smart people immediately drown in this bunch of shit, parallel to the understations of colleagues who, against its background, do not want to look stupid.

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