— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Here is this:

This is the same thing....

When hit by the back, passengers are thrown back. The headset is designed to protect against the fracture of the cervical vertebrae during such a blow.
In other words, it is impossible to break the face of the objects in front when hit from behind, because the physics, bleat!

I support the benefit of sticking, lying – no.

I don't remember physics very well, I remember the bitter experience of getting in an accident. Being in the Nissn Micra (those who don't know, it's such a small cane with wheels) and a girl behind the wheel got a funny (luckily) accident. Making a left turn in the dark, this lady did not turn on the turn and stopped not, such as a brake, such as a smooth general, on our footsteps, the self-driving driver after us had the time to slow so much that we were a beak. Why did we jump a few meters ahead? So here, my dear physics experts, having got a 3.14-step headband on the headband, I almost bite into a mess. Morality - I was stuck and therefore avoided something obviously unpleasant, such as a fracture of the nose. Energy is such an energy, it is somehow transmitted :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna