— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ]
XXX: What about the Internet?
Oh man, this is a whole story.
WOW: As it was before.
I had to catch the erotic stories because the pictures loaded for half an hour.
ууу: then there was a lightning in the dark kingdom - the images and to some extent the rest of the content of the sites began to load!
WOW: Heroic feats after some time became possible to watch porn video in very damaging quality. It took a titanic effort in terms of patience, but I overcame. Because it was worth it.
WOW: And this is now, the present time. HD video of unrealistic resolutions, gigabytes per second, terabytes of storage...
xxx: o_o"
You look at that speed and get to the living girl! :D
YYY: Did you fuck anything? I see the future only behind virtual reality devices combined with turbochargers!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna