— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is:

And I sat in the car for the first time to my future husband, and even from him gifts was uncomfortable to accept. The initiator of the continuation was, of course, he, but if I was not ready for it, to initiate something he would simply not have the opportunity - banally nowhere. On the street or in the cafe, no one will rape anyone if she went home herself, and even knocked - yes, this is definitely a cocktail, not a refusal. And the statement then because of the lack of the promised iPhone or stamp. So is it :)
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This is from such afterwards and flies into the unfortunate raped "the dog will not want, the cow will not jump". But victims of violence are not always lovers of dubious entertainment and free drinks.
Did you not think, smart woman, that it was only you that could consider the guy to be your future husband, and he could quite well take you, lightheartedly sitting in the car with him, to a deserted industrial zone and beat and raped there? Violent persons do not always behave and look like a hoodie, some love to hunt, deceive the future victim, care first, so it is sweeter then to mock her.
Violents, like you, often say that the victims themselves provoked them, that they are to blame. But how could violence be provoked, for example, by minors or old women? Have any ideas?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna