— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:

Without your help, he would have been in the hospital for half a year and drowned on his two, not a friction is terrible, but a shift. You are proud of yourself, you help them "you are heroes! And I then say to them in the eyes that a fracture, unfortunately, with a shift (in the car he was WITHOUT, it was you that moved him! Because they wanted to play in nobility!He is paralyzed for the rest of his life and will never get up again. All, his life is over. Because of you!
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Drivers should be taught at the beginning of their career. I asked my husband, a professional driver with almost thirty years of experience of accidentless driving, saying, if you hit a person, he is unconscious and lies in a frog position. He replied that he would put it right. And this posture is a sign of a fracture of the bone of the pelvis.Cel 99% of walking will no longer be if touched. A mother-in-law aunt did an indirect heart massage to her husband on a soft bed. I am not a doctor, but why do I know these things? Even how to properly apply a blood-stoping burn on the neck.. teach people need to..

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna