— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And here crawling among the ruins like thunderstorms in the clear sky - ah poor gay men, can not marry officially, the problem! Oh, it is simple!

I don’t understand why they all run? Is there little problem in the country? Yes, no, in the U.S., you see, gay marriages were allowed, a-a-a, a horror nightmare, they will infect us with gayism and we will all die out! Fight the gays until they push us all out! In addition to same-sex couples in Russia, probably, there were no problems, that everyone so fiercely struggled with them. Not with the robbery of resources, not with the cutting down of pensions and benefits, not with corruption and robberies – with homosexuals! You see, from them all the trouble in Russia-mother goes. The 14th century chapel was also destroyed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna