— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And now (returning to the original quotation), her word against the testimony of three “violents”:
I was deprived of the opportunity to resist.
- She lies everything, she drank a little, and she gave it to us all, even with pleasure!

Rape is evil, yes.


I am not tired of being surprised at the degree of naivety people live with me on the same planet.
The investigator, if not a fool — and he is usually not a fool — joyfully agrees, sneezes and approves in every way on the words “yes, guys, I understand all, oh these babies, if you only knew how many false statements I had in the past year...”. And himself at this time with the other hand writes the direction of the victim for examination - including the level of alcohol in the blood.

And then the examination confirms: 1. the level of alcohol, which clearly exceeds the traces, 2. vaginal injuries (and drunk with three they can quite be, even if the guys were careful) 3. bleeding and scratches (the guy hit her there, it seems?) 4 is and sperm. But if there is no sperm, it is perfectly replaced by the testimony of the rapists, which clearly reads: 1. we all had sex with her 2. we saw that she was drunk.

I am already silent about the fact that the testimony of witnesses usually have a greater weight than the testimony of potential criminals (they have a direct clear motive for lying, and whether there is such a motive in the victim - it is still necessary to look for).

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna