— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You’ve had that way of going to another room and forgetting why you came and then coming back and remembering? You may not answer, I know what happened. So if you force yourself in the same place to think about something, about something specific, then in the future, returning to that place, you will remember again what you thought about. This could be called a spatial reminder. --------------
The theory of the door.
According to psychologist Gabriel Redvansky of the University of Notre Dame (USA), entering or exiting through a doorway is for the brain the “boundary of events” that separates and delays them. Quickly remembering what you thought or did in another room is quite difficult, because these events are already separated. Passing through the doorway serves as the ‘boundary of events’ for the brain. Passed through the door – "restarted" memory, and what you were going to do there is no longer important. In other words, when we cross the threshold, for our brains it’s like the beginning of a new episode in a movie.

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