— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On a trip to Efremov, there were three weekends and nothing to do. They found a roof from which there was a wonderful view.
When fifteen sober people came to the house with a roof, a aunt came out of the window and began to scream that you are breaking flowers and in general. Under the window, shells grew to human height, and it was impossible to break them without a tail. How could they reassured, promising to guard the plantations, not to watch the moon for a long time and not to noise. And we did not joke. The moon was so big and beautiful that everyone sat down and kept silent. The silence was broken by a voice:
and E! by Fuck! You are! Go down naked!
From the house opposite separated a restless body:
- Come down yourself, or I'll get up and take your pudding puddle off!
From the "Pidary’s Hood" we have come back to life. But they did not answer. His body stumbled ten meters away and cried out insults. A lady joined him. He called her "zaey". Zia shouted "Can you?" We said, of course. Zai's wife didn't like it and he still crossed the road and approached our house, still threatening to go down and throw it away.
Afterwards, when they came down, he fired a cigarette and tried everything - why? Why did we use there? He was told something about the sight and the moon, he was confused.
So tell me – what? How is this moon, he touched it with his finger, different from that moon? He pointed to the roof. We were silent.
How is it different from any other moon?! to
There was no answer.
When they left, they saw him climbing onto the roof. He sincerely wanted to understand...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna