— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ]
Oh the education:

I love the idiots:

>A still interesting.She slept with three 17-year-olds - 22. Breivik killed 77 people, if I am not mistaken, also schoolchildren are mainly 21.

The fact that the first case in the United States, and the second from Norway, the idiot is not embarrassing. There is a global criminal code everywhere. As such, in Norway there is no life sentence (although there is the possibility of endless extension by 5 years) and the death penalty.
As such, in the United States there is life sentence, death penalty and, as a rule, sentences for similar crimes there more than in Europe.

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Here a man thought about the question: "Interestingly, and why is it in one country the laws so stricter than in another? ", so he was immediately struck and called an idiot... What is interesting?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna