— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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O my God! Why are you so wicked? Except for relatively young women, no one can give birth. Whether they want it or not, no one can do it except them. Our mothers gave birth and worked, and the women of our generation do the same. While I can focus on my career, my wife is forced to go out for a year in "vacation". Everything she has achieved in years of work before this is now in question. And so with the majority. Do you think women are delighted with this? Why spotting someone during a vacation, seminar, business trip or hospital schedule, and replacing during pregnancy is an occasion to splash with saliva from hatred? What exit do you propose? Pregnancy at your expense? Discharge immediately after fertilization. Or not to give birth, so that no one would have to replace? and offer.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna