— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My husband works in the tourism industry and at the height of the season he works as a beef from morning to night. Until 9 p.m. he was not seen. No, of course I understand everything, but my 3-year-old daughter is not there and every night we have tears, “Where is Dad when Daddy comes?” She is generally a "father's daughter", without daddy neither sleep nor dinner and life is not in joy.
I will not scandal... not on the girls goes, for us and tries, money earns.
I read here on the website the story of a smart wife who photographed food and a underwear and sent a photo to her husband... and he went home.
Well, I think why not.. attracted to the project daughter, together prepared hot "for daddy", as well as soup and salad.. then half an hour made the composition on the table.. and so everything was beautiful we got.. and bread on a wooden board, and a basket with fruits next to put for the sake of beauty.. and even some herbs were thrown on the bench. The masterpiece is straight. at the same time, the daughter ate, like "for daddy", so that he knew what was delicious.
Girls, it works!! to
We sent photos without five minutes seven.. at 19:30 he was entering the door!!! He was flying...
The joy of the child has no limits.

Right now we sit, glue out a small cap from the paper "like a chef-powar", a small fork is ready, I will take a photo of the daughter who is roasting the paste. We cooked my dad’s cake. And the hysteria stopped, and my husband was happy.
A friend ran in the morning, she is selling cosmetics "door to door", she has some bottles, bottles with her forever.
I told her about the idea, while her bottles on the bench in the bedroom were folded up with candles and white wrapped towels. (these photos I'll send on Friday, promising a hot bath and massage.
So she told me that this fist has long passed. She says, “I don’t need to run every day, I run for clients in the evenings, but to come early on Friday, it’s so. Well, to eat together, maybe go where the forces will be in the evening. And so it will come late and fall asleep... so the whole life is young and will pass."
So every Friday at 16:00 she sends him an email link to the trailer of the film, which was downloaded with the adjective "to beer what to take, salt chips or shrimp?" Don’t believe he’s home at 5 p.m.! to
He says it’s been two years and it still works!
At first he rejoiced as a child, all his friends boasted about what his wife was caring, and after a year the return went... never now comes with empty hands... then the cake to the tea will bring, then the mandarin will buy.. runs like a date, with a gift.
And recently I told you that the boss went abroad and everyone went at 14:00 (the end of the day, Friday in Israel is a short day, since Saturday begins in the evening) and he is all sitting and sitting. I’m waiting for the message, the reflex has worked out.

So, girls, love your husbands, and cheer more often. not so we have a lot of joys in life, another, though small and "household", so to speak, will not be too much.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna