— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Soviet times.
Cocktails by Talon.
It is seldom purchased.
Andrei's parents (then 12 years old) urgently leave the city, leaving him to my parents (my brother and Andrew are best friends to this day).
The next day, Andrey and Sergey (brother) go to Andrey, the parents who left were ordered to watch the apartment.
On the table of the note: "Eat the sausage urgently, or it will ruin".
Not long thinking, the guys open the refrigerator - there is a whole bottle!! to
Well, once asked - you need to help, the more the father of Andrew man is quite strict.
For a week A. and C. pressed the sausage. They ate it with bread, with tea, just so, competed "who is bigger" and "who is faster"... have eaten!! to
Returning parents were ready to execute them: on the plate, in a bowl, covered with a cover, three circles of fried sausages were stunned.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna