— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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rst37_2: and NASA’s space program is filmed in Hollywood, and we all live in a matrix!
rst37_2: Stop the nonsense. U.S. launches to the moon were tracked by Soviet observation tools for two or three years. And the broadcast from the moon was received, including in Eupatoria. Do you think we would be silent if we discovered that the main opponent was giving what he wanted to be true in such a case?
Bisey: Of course I would. Otherwise, the Americans would tell the world that Gagarin did not fly anywhere: knocked and knocked on the sky, and down on a parachute.
True, if the Americans hit Gagarin, our would tell the world that the Americans live on the very edge of the earth's disk, and they regularly have a bunch of people falling to elephants and turtles.
Bisey: Well, if our mouths were opened about the disc, the Americans would instantly tell everyone that there is no USSR, and this is a mass hallucination.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna