— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Remember the joke about the pink elephant "when will he finally let me go?". I am straight like him. During my pregnancy, I first realized that jokes about eating something like this urgently, at three o’clock at night, peaches in the middle of the winter, sausages of the wrong sort, cherry blossom, silk with watermelon, are not jokes. I used to love cheese, strawberries, oranges, and the desire to eat these foods seemed natural. I couldn’t imagine becoming a ringtone I would love mint. by Matthew!! in any form, until trembling in the knees, squeezing into themselves with two hands and splashing saliva. It would seem OK. Pregnancy is only 9 months. Oh yeah yeah yeah. The child will soon go to the kindergarten, and I bite mint, drink mint infusion, close to mint candy, askorbinka only with mint (I did not even know about its existence before! ), vitamin D3 with menthol, black chocolate with mint essence...I now, fucking, even know how they look and what the taste of all 30 with more varieties of mint. Don't believe the fairy tales about "only 9 months"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna