— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ]
The girl, with whom I had to work together for a couple of years, constantly screamed and complained how bad she was in her native Novosib, how uncomfortable, cold and gray here. The city was crazy, getting all the scares about how we are all ruining our health here.
"I can't get in this refrigerator, I want to get in a normal climate!"
My dream was fulfilled and I moved to Peter.
Yesterday (+31 on board) read about the city of Peter, Chet remembered her. Found Vkontakte, added, then, as it is, she gives out "nothing you are in the photos so burned, probably at sea were??" - "ahahah, in the United States". I couldn’t stand it, asked, like the climate, like health. I was offended.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna