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The Suffering:
"S. Dovlatov, “The Compromise”
Women only love shit, we all know that. However, being a shit is not for everyone. I had a familiar shark currency. He beat his wife with a scarf. She gave her shampoo to her lover. Killed a cat. Once in his life he made her a sandwich with cheese. My wife cried all night out of affection and tenderness. Conserves were sent to Mordovia for nine years. I waited...
And a good man who needs it, asks?"

There is such a thing as Stockholm syndrome. This is when a person is in constant fear because of bullying, and in order not to begin the disintegration of the personality, the psyche offers such hypercompensation. At the physiological level, giant doses of oxytocin are released in order to survive here and now, there is an identification with the aggressor, which feels like self-forgotten love. Just to return the psyche to a healthy state then almost unrealistic.
So, if this passage from Dovlatov for somebody is an example of ideal love - when one is complete shit, and the other suffers all its shots - then the personal life of such a "good" person, I think, does not stick quite fairly.

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