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The wall

Despite any routine and fluidity, every self-respecting teleoperator, among other things, should take at least one “fine” frame a day. At least one, let’s say, a three-second plan for a whole day, but one that would not be ashamed to show even his institute instructor of operating skill and get the metric’s restrained praise: “Yes, a colleague – it’s pretty good.”
And today I learned that the same story with lawyers.
They also warm the soul beautiful, although absolutely money-free mates in two moves.
And in general, for every self-respecting professional, money should not be in the first place. This, of course, does not apply to thieves and other human inconsistencies.
Alic, my friend and at the same time a lawyer, boasted of his fresh, beautiful case and a plus in karma.
To him came to the reception an upset woman with her unhappy hopelessness. Fabula is briefly like this:
Her children - ballbesses with a sports inclination, decided to arrange a turnik on the balcony. The bad thing is simple, they pushed the pipe to the side wall and began to pull up. But the sopromatov miracle did not happen - the turnik did not withstand and, along with the entire wall, collapsed on the bitten schoolchildren. Not even from the twentieth floor. They didn’t even break anything, they got rid of the blue.
But here is the trouble - this former wall, separated their balcony from the neighbor, and most importantly, the neighbor on that wall hanged a newly purchased TV at the price of up to 200,000 rubles 00 copies (check from the store attached).
Naturally, the neighbor demanded not only to repair the wall, but also to fully compensate for the damage caused by the joyful bears.
The woman was upset, selling her apartment. In fact, she came to Alice to find out whether the court ruling would help her get a loan in the bank to repay the debts to the neighbor? So all the banks refuse: no husband, the salary is small, two minor dependents. Of course, it is cheaper to negotiate without a court. But how? The neighbor does not agree to interest-free payment.
Alic thought and thought, asked the client a couple of suggestive questions, then put her in the car and went to talk to the neighbor.
And an hour later, an unhappy neighbor, unwillingly grabbed the happy woman's hand and made a pre-trial agreement that he no longer has any financial claims and even commits himself to rebuild the demolished wall.
I think the university teacher Alika, too, would say, “Yes, colleague, it wasn’t bad at all.”
And the secret of the miracle is here - it turned out that many years ago, there was no wall and the neighboring balconies were only divided by a cottage crimpy barrier. And here, when the late father of the bodybuilders made repairs, he just erected the unfortunate brick wall (and it was completely on his territory).
Much later, a new neighbor entered, unnecessarily he crushed and threw out the barbed partition and completely overcame someone else’s wall, including his expensive televisions.
So, in essence, the fun bears have crushed their own, personal wall, and what the neighbor’s television did on it should absolutely not interest them.
During the next two days, the neighbor brilliantly rebuilt the broken wall, rushed, so that the neighbor did not revise the demarcation line and did not force to build on its blood square centimeters.
And it is not bad at all...

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