— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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>These are the cats.

Let you know, cats are the highest predators. They are so productive that they can not get stuck with the production of food, but lie down and murmur. At the same time, they will be ready to kill everything reminiscent of edible from the state of “I sleep” simply by mocking a lap.

I once had a cat with a big letter - meeting me in the neighboring village he did the pretension of "and let's not know" and smartly blinked, with his weight ~8kg he killed and pulled like a rat neighbor's dog weighing 16kg - only because she dared to eat from his bowl. The birds he caught by jumping from the position of "I am calm" by jumping up 2 meters, and so effectively that mice and other rats he did not even try to drop.
Once he tried to kill a bad person, and he would have succeeded - if he had not changed his mind in a couple of seconds... during this time he had time to bite in the throat, and the hand to disassemble so that the person was treated for more than a year.
Eternal memory to you, Sevka, I will never forget you, you were my only true friend throughout my childhood.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna