— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ]
by Noskosrač
My, when I lived alone, was such a purple-accurate, the house always shone, everything was in its place - well, just a look. And what do you think, after less than a year of living together, I started throwing socks under the coffee table in the living room. Well, throwing and throwing, somehow I’m going to wash, and he was just at home, I say to him, “Bring your socks cemetery here,” so he immediately said, “Why a cemetery?” Why, why, so it looks like a brother’s grave under the table. The most important thing, without anger said and forgot. Only after that your shit came to know that he hasn’t done it since then, and it’s been six years. Thank you guys for the uplifting mood!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna