— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A friend here a day ago laid bricks for such a large candlestick plant, and I was to blame.
It darkened, it was cold, I am going to close the landscape in a warm blanket with a mocked cap on my head, and a friend is driving the car. I return to help her with the parking, and she for some reason, instead of listening to the TS, does not look at me and with wild speed rotates the glass lift, panicking the window. I get closer, I think hell - a friend is roaring at me with angry eyes from a deafly closed car, then the look is gradually clarified and a little bit later, resting and laughing, cries the cool story:
“I see,” he says, “Yeti comes out of the dark, huge, hairy, terrible.
I am in shock, not falling, blind the milk on the buttons, the car does not close, and the monster is getting closer, like in a bad dream. This is you, you!

PS Since then I have always warned others when I wear my cap in the dark.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna