— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Yesterday Olga came to me. She began to cry over her Vitalka: she doesn’t do anything, she doesn’t read, she doesn’t study, she sneaks all day. I’m trying to tell her that the boy is 14 years old and is on vacation, what does she want from him? And she's me - you don't understand, he doesn't know anything and doesn't want to, it's already a potential pedic!! to
WOW :...? Oh what.
Oh yeah yeah yeah. I fell into the precipitation, and then my miracle appears, which is a year older than this Vitalky, and so seriously asks her: Aunt Olya, and you think guys like cats - if there is nothing to do, they will lick eggs?! to
He is a beautiful man who disputes. I scratched, he scratched, this spots went... I gave out that he was also potential, and dropped)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna