— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 83 - ]
Go to the tool store.
A car brakes behind my back. This is a blonde "macaronine". Intelligence is absent.
I miss her forward.
She goes into the store and grills the seller.
B is:
- I need a deflorator of the firm of Markit... well... or something like that (I do not remember the name of the firm)
I look up and look at the seller. She is in shock.)
The Seller (P)
Again, girl, what you need
B is:
by Markit. Deflorator
I am already in the sleeve.
P is :
Do you know what a deflorator is???? to
B. with such indignation:
Well yes! They are breaking holes!! to

I couldn’t stand it anymore... I ran out.
Sitting on the stairs crying.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna