— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Parental Forum.
Discuss "what our children taught us":
In some phones, it is not possible to remove games.
I can now sleep standing in the bus, the subway and the electric car.
When people take pictures with a suitcase, it’s a tablet. I was able to explain this to my mother, and she is 70!
- A piano can have 2 or 3 pedals, and it is not "mechanics" and "automatic"!
I know the main jumps in figure skating and from 10 steps I learn and determine the basic construction technique, I monitor the movement of cranes on all nearby buildings, and also study the Law of God in Sunday school.
- Cannibals for soldering and for violin are two different cannibals. The degree of cleansing is different. For the violin, it is ideal. At the price - 10 times different, and this is without pots, the price of SP.
- Beccar, beemol, diez, stackato, octava, lower and upper register - on what it is to me?! to
- Waltrap, pulpit, trenzel, mouthpiece, knife, stitch - wow, I am a hussar!
I can care for patients with burns and fractures... I have excellent connections at the nearest injury point!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna