— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A man with a long-haired German shepherd named Weiss came to our clinic. A dog of extraordinary beauty, exceptional intelligence. The dog was raised as a military machine, an unwavering, excellent defender of the owner and a very gentle and affectionate dog. To say that we all loved you is to say nothing. We adored him. The owner carefully monitored his health and generally we saw him quite often. The ear hurts, then the eyes, nails cut, the vaccine put. Or just come for a snack.

And here he had an interesting habit: when he was given an injection or did unpleasant procedures - he carefully took the doctor's or the master's pants with his teeth and stuck - he endured. But at the age of 14, Weiss was diagnosed with cancer. For almost 2 years, all of our staff and the owner of Vasiy every day struggled with the illness, and every day he took in his teeth, then his pants, then his sleeves, then the lower part of his shirt, and all the same clamped. But cancer is cancer... sooner or later it takes over and wins.

6:00 calling
- Vasya no longer stands up and voices, shutting her eyes.
I hear his sound in the phone. I send my colleague home. Droplets, painkillers, blood test.
She returns pale and in tears. We give tests in the cito. After 2 hours we get the result... Vase is not long left.

18:00 again call and a long conversation with the owner.
I will no longer be able to watch him suffer from pain. The injections were enough for an hour, and he slept, but now he continues to wipe. I will bring him to you to sleep.

I tell the owner that I'm waiting for them, I put on the phone and I start to cry, the partner also roars. The owner comes with his wife, wearing Weiss on his arms, I can't stand the sight of once a huge, powerful beauty who has turned into a skeleton. The owners ask for permission not to attend the euthanasia and go out, waiting for our invitation. All of Vasis organs refused, only a strong dog heart continued to persistently pump blood through the body. We put intravenous anesthesia and he falls asleep, ceasing to wipe, leaves and convulsions. Another dose of anesthesia and the heart submissively surrender. Weiss breathes hard and this breath becomes the last.

I say to my partner. We both cry, we wipe the sludge and we cry again. I go to call the owner and see him as a strict man who has gone through a long life of 15 years side by side with a friend who fought for his life every minute sitting at the doorstep and crying in a voice. I say that Vase was not hurt, that he just fell asleep and other condolences and all through tears and soaps. The owner thanked us for being with Vasie in this difficult time. He swore to himself that he could not be with him until the end and watch his death. He takes Weiss, wrapped in a pledge, and leaves.

A few weeks pass. A young couple comes with a 2-month-old dog of a German Shepherd for vaccination. The boy is very scared. I approach to hold him and calm him while a colleague will cuddle and here, the puppy grabs me with the teeth behind the sleeve and tightly clamps, not even whispering on the injection. I begin to cry...
“Hello, Vaska... I missed it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna