— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Which Egyptians were dissolved in?
Maybe the Russians dissolved under the Mongolian yoke?
Specifically, the Russian civilization, in my person, does not want and will not dissolve.
You can dissolve among anyone. But I think you have already dissolved. Among the chickens :D
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The Egyptians who built the pyramids dissolved among the Arabs who came there much later.
The Russians and the Mongols were very confused. What is noticeable in appearance, and in common surnames, and in borrowings in the language (in Russian Turkic words are much more than in Ukrainian, Belarusian or Czech). There was no complete dissolution - there were not so many of those Mongols. The Mongols, by the way, in their time conquered China. And after several generations dissolved in it clearly, there remained some high-ranking Chinese, proud of their origins from Genghis Khan.
The Russian civilization in your face can only dissolve itself in sulfuric acid. But will your grandchildren be able to read this text without the Russian-Arab dictionary - the question.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna