— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He humanly

Did you see Sonia coming?
I thought she had been fired. They said that they would cleanse from these, these organs all. After the doctors.
No, I haven’t heard of her yet. It’s a pity if they get ripped. They are both with their mother, and a single Sunny works at all. A good girl. And beautiful such! You won’t say she’s Jewish.
Okay, you see right away, what are you? But the girl is not bad, everyone smiles. Maybe he pretends. They are shameless like that. And all with a whirlwind, not like people. Don’t worry, they won’t disappear. They always have money. You better worry about yourself! Why are you looking for her? Are you missing?
Okay to you! Stepanic ordered to send him. He will be fired and will be.
Sonia entered the office of the district prosecutor, smiling and not expecting anything bad, like any of her joyful eighteen-year-old peers. Besides, she knew that Vasily Stepanic treats her very well, always putting a candy on the table or an apple, and sometimes even joking, pulling her hair. He is called the “best hair of the Moscow Prosecutor’s Office”. And he always leaves classes at the institute, although he is often delayed in the evenings. And on the holiday of the Soviet Army, when the whole evening Sonya played the piano and sang, even under her accompaniment performed "Nicca cola luna" and kissed Sonya in the forehead. He was really drunk.
and sit down. How are yours? Do you manage? And at the Institute? What is your course, do I forget? Are they offending us? The fronts are simple people.
Sonia understood that it was a song that could not be answered. He called her for something else, but it is unclear why.
I called you. You know, I don’t like to turn! You are a literate girl, you know the situation in the country. And what an evil role yours play in it, these, how to say, like you, you are... Well, Jews, in short, you apologize. You won’t throw words out of the song. I didn’t expect it, I even had friends at school with some. But not about that. In general, it is not good, one can say, not humane, even hostile, as it now turns out, conducted very even many citizens of the Jewish nationality, although we have shielded them from the fascist disgust. And they, you mean, all looked abroad. I’m not talking about these wicked ones who, under the mask of doctors, trapped and actually killed our best comrades. Well, this is what we are doing on the investigative line, and I am now about you. You have no specific claims, you work well, you are literate, you are studying again and at the piano too... But you must understand. It is because of my good relationships with you that I say so. The fate of everyone is almost clear. It is already the details where you live will determine - in Trans-Baikal there or elsewhere in the north or in Asia, but the issue of deportation is almost solved. And I address you as a comsomolk and, in spite of everything, a good man. You’re dating a guy, Valentine seems. A good Russian guy. The Front. All the war - without a single scratch and returned alive, mother to joy. Do you have enough conscience to destroy his life? Did he deserve it? If you are, as we have always thought, a worthy person, you must move him away from you! It is not human to pull him into a hole. Think about it. You will not be fired, but you will work for a short time. Let the guy go. Well go. As I said, there are no complaints to you. Tell her to bring me tea.
Sonia left the reception room, did not remember how she waited for the end of the working day, and rushed home. Thro the day, she did not say a word, but something inside trembled, and her hands were so frozen, as if it was not July, but February. I could not print at all. It does not matter. Now it is no longer important.
As she was driving in the subway, she suddenly caught a few surprised looks. It was indifferent, but automatically she carried her hand on her hair, then on her face. The hand was wet. And when she lowered her eyes, she saw that a dark spot on the coloured old dress came from tears. How uncomfortable! You cannot scream at people. It is a shame, everyone is watching. Or maybe they’re looking because they guess she’s not a criminal? Are not her mother, aunt, cousins and grandmother of Guth the criminals? After all, it is well known that it is not the criminals, but only about my mom and dad's relatives, who were shot by the Germans. The others are in doubt. Like her.
On the platform she was waiting for Valka, smiling in the face from afar. I have to tell him to leave. Vasily Stepanych is right, you cannot ruin the life of a person who loves you so much. How to tell him? Maybe he doesn’t know all this. He does not understand the danger he is facing.
When Valka saw Sonino’s face, he was terrified. What happened? Mother? She couldn’t invent anything, she couldn’t lie at all. She pulled him out in the tampon of the electric car and, without wiping tears, told the whole conversation today. and silenced. And it seemed to her that the wheels of the wagon were so roaring at the junctions that a terrible iron sound knocked her over the head, killing her to the floor. But then she heard another sound. Walk was laughing! How he laughed! His whisper silenced and knocked the wheels, and the steam wheels, and the voice in the reproducer, and the talk of passengers.
You are lucky, Sophia, that I am a peasant’s son. Who in the north will build a house for you and save the earth? It would be good to be sent to the taiga, there is hunting right from the threshold, not that I am now riding a hundred kilometers on the sidewalks! Wipe out the sludge, or I told my mother that you are a beautiful woman, and I will bring you now a roasted and hunted! You are not ashamed of me!
They lived together for 52 years... They were my parents... Tomorrow my dad would be 94.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna