— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I bow my head before the admin!! to
Admitted to training courses in 1C accounting. At the entrance class, they filled out questionnaires, where, among other things, it was necessary to independently determine the level of work in office programs. I wrote "experienced user", because that is what it is. He was in a strong group. In the first class, they were taught to distinguish mouse icons on the table, change the backup of the table, create a folder in the folder and in that folder another folder, and there is another document, and then move the document from the folder to the folder. The most interesting thing is that 14 of the 16 people in the group clearly did not know how to do all this and called the lecturer to the comp. and ppc. I’m afraid to even imagine a weak group.
And this is almost all working accountants...Admin, iron patience to you!!!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna