— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ]
I go to the apartment - a paper is hanging on the pen again. This time it is not an advertisement, but a message from Mosenergo with the headline: "HELP us!" I trembled. This is:
(and even lower) d.hx square
Notify the counter's testimony by telephone... or SMS... and so on.

So it is clear that this is my address, Nakhimovsky Prospect, d.hx, sq.hx, but the first impression!
WOW: Let’s say this: if it’s done targetedly, then I understand them somewhere. Do you think it’s not the first? The Poor. Even though it is surprising that there is something barbaric in this passage.
HH: Do you think? Hmmm, you can answer so: Bayani, gentlemen of mossenergy! Write an Isho.


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna