— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Blow... I sit... I read statuses of friends "In contact":

Whatever happens, know that life is beautiful as long as someone loves you, at least one person in the world.

Walking down the beach. Sparkling lights on the water, no more noise, just silence... And by the way - I'm feeling free...

“It’s impossible,” said the reason, “It’s reckless,” said the experience, “It’s painful,” said the pride, “Try,” said the dream.

It often happens that a person considers happiness far from himself, and it has already come to him with unheard of steps.

I know that when you look at me There's so much that you just don't see, But. If you would only take the time, I now in my heart you'd find...

and my snuckle:

- I am changing the electrical player to the electrical winner... electric drill and screwdriver - do not offer!!! to

I feel like I’m a stranger at this celebration of life.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna