— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Prehistory. Her sister has very beautiful and long hair, which she long painted with henna in red. Then she decided to change her color from red to her native chestnut, struggled with basma for a long time, alchemistry with additional ingredients. The color eventually came out beautiful, very similar to her native. Only a few strands got a mud-green shade, there is such a bag in the basma. I decided to leave it as it is, curious to answer what was intended.
The history. We go with her from one city to another, the bus is half empty, the windows are open, beauty. would be. If it wasn’t for her, and her completely impeccable, loud and curious outcry. The first victim fell a pregnant woman (Mom, why is my aunt so fat? Eat a lot because), then the old lady with juice (give me juice too! Mommy, this mummy is stupid, the juice does not give!) is
Then came the turn of my sister.
Why is your hair green? Are you stupid?
Have you read about the Mermaid?
I saw the multicolor.
So, boy, I’m a mermaid too. She also exchanged her tail for love. Only the prince was a goat, and life was pain. And the algae-colored hair is the only thing that reminds me of my beautiful native world, to which I will never be able to return.
Until the end of the journey (approximately an hour and a half) neither the mother-in-law nor the son-in-law spoke a word more, from our side they didn’t look at anything, they didn’t even breathe at all, staying in silent contemplation of the fate of the mermaids.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna