— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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With the development of cameras in mobile phones, the number of people who have actually seen UFOs has dropped dramatically. Now the scratches "no time to get the camera"no roll...

UFO I did not see, I will not lie, but when arranged for the current job. A psychiatrist and a narcologist. And when he received a certificate from the latter, he went home, cheerfully whistling (the case was in the non-ferrous, in the VAO), passing past the building - or the court. The prosecutors, the experts. Correct, near the Partisan - among the houses saw a cock. The first thought is to go back to the narcologist, because, it seems, not everything is so cloudless, the second - where to run or get away from this beast, the third - what is going on? And only after hearing the voice of the woman "Well, we go home already, a long wait for you" and seeing, like a cock (healthy! Not a mini pig any) goes up the stairs to the entrance, where he was waiting, probably the mistress, holding the door open and holding the dog on the leash (the dog tifu, a little bit, but the cock even without a caller), I was not what phone take and shoot all this thing forgot, I forgot how to speak. You say UFO.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna